New Product Idea Prototype engineering company design development services

New Product Idea Prototype engineering company design development services



Not everyone is fortunate to just suddenly think of an idea for an invention or innovation of an existing product that has the potential to change how the world use, see or hear things.  If you are blessed with the opportunity though, seeking the help and assistance of a genuine and professional product or prototype firm is crucial to help you protect your idea and save a lot from expected high costs of new product design and development in New York or in any other cities or countries worldwide.  Remember, to protect your intellectual property, do not unnecessarily tell anyone about it for you may regret losing your rights to your idea in the future.  You can seek advise from expert product engineering firms like us who will immediately sign up a full none disclosure agreement with you.  Hiring our Professional patent and engineering services, we can expertly advise you on all essential and crucial steps in patenting and turning your idea into reality.


Of course you would want to profit from your idea so, in the prototype design and development stage of your concept, thinking ahead is beneficial for it will surely save you on unnecessarily spending more than necessary to make your product competitively priced in the market.  The Prototype is crucial in obtaining your patent for your approval shall be given to what you submit, technically, someone may beat you to its innovation if they do file a variation ahead of you. With our help, from our decades of experience providing product engineering, development and design to inventors and small and large companies or corporations, we can effectively advise you on correct materials, modern trends and even simple popular colors for market appeal.


New York New Product Prototype engineering idea design services company


Perfecting a prototype with the wrong or unnecessary raw materials can make your product too pricey and expensive in the market.  Hiring our professional product patent and engineering, design and development services, we can provide you all essential steps needed to making your idea come into reality.  We will provide you exhaustive Patent Research to make sure no one has filed for Patent the same as yours and this is important because, if there was an existing patent filed, all your incurred expenses will be lost and not mentioning legal fees for possible product infringement.  So before spending on anything for your idea, our Patent Research is necessary to make sure your idea is indeed original and none existent.  The development of a prototype is the next step that is very essential for it will be included in your Patent Application and it should be final as much as possible for although variations may be filed, if someone files one ahead of you, technically you may lose your rights to it.  A prototype is also necessary for it can hugely cut costs and time for product design and development for our engineers can easily modify changes on your idea’s physical form.


We have a full house solution for your product needs and aside from patent assistance and cost effective prototype development, we can also provide product market research and feasibility studies to ensure your product has a market for it and determine if your total initial costs before mass production is still profitable for you in the end.  We believe and are committed to long term business relationships so once you contact and hire us, expect only 100% customer satisfaction from us.  Contact Us!



New York NY NYC trusted prototyping designing engineers professional designers

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